New Mesothelioma Treatment Options

There are new advances being made every day in the treatment of mesothelioma. One of the new approaches being taken for treating mesothelioma is the use of new chemotherapy agents. There are new agents being currently developed and tested such as Pemetrexed (Alimta), Cisplatin, Onconase, Bevacizumab (Avastin) and Endostatin. These new drugs are being tested in the treatment of mesothelioma, some as stand alone treatments and others in combinations with other agents.

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is another new treatment for mesothelioma that is being developed. PDT involves destroying cancerous cells with light after injecting them with a special solution. PDT has proven effective in destroying cancer cells but has also shown some major side effects, many centering on skin sensitivity due to the treatment.

Biological Therapy, also known as immunotherapy, is yet another treatment being developed to help people with cancer. This kind of therapy involves using the body’s own immune system to fight against the cancerous cells. The immune system may be able to recognize between healthy and cancerous cells and destroy the cancerous ones in the body. The therapy improves the body’s immune system so it can fight the cancerous cells itself.

Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), or just radiation therapy, is another treatment that is being further developed in clinical trials. Radiation therapy involves exposing the cancerous cells to high doses of radiation in an attempt to kill them. There is much promising work being done in the field of radiation technology with regards to mesothelioma. Some scientists feel that radiation therapy is a very effective way to keep the cancer in control and confined to one location in the body.

Gene Therapy is yet another idea being developed to aid in the treatment and prevention of cancer. Gene therapy involves modifying a patient’s genes so that their body may act in a therapeutic manner. The idea behind gene therapy is to fix the problem on the DNA level and not let the mutations take over.

There are many promising new advances being made in the treatment of cancer and mesothelioma in particular. The clinical trial process is a process where patients can get exposed to some of these new and exciting treatments long before they are eventually made available to the general public.